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来源:尚品中国| 类型:网站百科| 时间:2012-08-10
First from industry to general to consider, the following aspects

一:行业特性(Industry characteristics)

Industry is the industry, information to information, the industry portal make the function of the one is used as a bridge dredge the information to the other side of the corresponding to the customer. Web users include the public users and successful customer, the difference between them is very great, at the same time, both for the website of the expected value is not the same. Website design products must be considered when new products with the website said industry characteristics, the following author for example:

The author site is about the garment sector a industry portal, the author in the design of a new product, on products industry characteristics adopted a industry customer need and the particularity of the users of the popular need, both demand point when put together, is found to have very big distinction, considering both for the website of different expectations, so in two different needs the product function of partition, so as to meet the web site and the customer.

二:用户成本(The user cost)

The cost of users that users both habit, the actual is minus small new product user obtaining information by value disorder to minimize, users will continue to buy your product or service, or new product design is a kind of naked failure.

Industry portal user audience is the most clear and clear, the website also audience with industry portal development and grow up together, their behavior habit forming a certain basic patterns, which have led to industry portal product update iteration is slow, because the audience is the specificity and accuracy. Therefore, in product design must be considered at the original user use, if industry portal users in the use of new products or acquire new service without way beyond the original, the information of the value of the pay for the cost is high, the user of the product to give up the use of the chance; Plus industry portal now competition severe degree, web site design products carelessly a bit, the competitor is likely to use this weakness "buy" website customers.

三:战略发展(Strategy development)

Industry portal often do not have the strategic development of the subconscious mind, just as the market development in feeling. As a result, the website as decades of barrel products, high low; Plus a web site operator not clear and orientation for the unit to years after the plan, the web site of the new product design brings some difficulty.

Industry portal new product design is always to meet user needs as the supreme principle, and the industry portal and the exact divided into fashion kind and information, both to emphasize information in the rate of spread, plus the website the original product, the design of new products are very important. The new product is the design of the website cut off the customer number less, the efficiency is not better products, this is also upgrade the product of the barrel effect starting point.

The author thinks that the new product design firm of strategic development is to understand the industry needs a change that situation, understand the tasks and profitable website stage point, and web site of resources channel construction and using, according to these strategic development this principle to do is accurate and correct.

The design of the product is always website carrying the subjective consciousness, but at present in the lack of market data analysis and based on the analysis of the user behavior also can only so, the author puts forward three product design principle is the author concluded in actual combat experience, badly written, hope man with heart to perfect.

Next, want to consider from the construction site itself, as follows

1、展示出自己的风格(Show your own style)

Everyone see whether elegant standard not page, some art tends to elegant, some tends to powerful, some pursuit individual character, others prefer to follow the trend, but the fact is, no matter first kind, web site have a common functions, not only do give personal look, more is in front of the others in order to show his goods, knowledge, or a kind of thought, anyway, what all good, so people think do a web site, the most basic is to practical, concise, integral sex is good accord with SEO, UEO standard to the real form a belong to oneself website style, keep a whole image, match colors even. These should design a website is the most basic requirements.

2、交互功能(Interactive function)

做一个网站,首先还是要在脑子里构思好怎么才可以利用手中有限的资料(特别是企业网站)来设置好网站的主体色调,采用何种架构,如何配色搭配等一些因素,做到心中有底才开始动手。有些网页设计师比较在乎页面的“不拘一格”,但却忽视了网站的交互功能,一个页面设计再精美,别人使用不上里面的东东,也是白费的。总体来看,目标明确、定位正确、主题鲜明、富有特色版式、编排布局合理、色彩和谐重点突出 、形式内容和谐统一 ,能做到这些应该就是一个很好的网站啦。
Do a web site, first in the brain or good idea how can use hand limited data (especially enterprise web site) to set up the main body of the website is tonal, the type of architecture, how to match colors matching and some factors, achieve in the heart bottom to start. Some web designers more care of the page ", not ", but ignore the website of the interactive function, and a page design and elegant, others don't use the inside of the east east, also is in vain. Overall, the clear goal, the correct orientation, theme, unique format, layout rational layout, color harmony highlight, form content harmony, can do these should be a good website!

3、优化内容(Optimization content)

Content is the core. About 2 years ago, the enterprise website is like a this advertising brochure, more bad, website use a lot of pictures, seems to be centuries to download. Chanels in certain aspects of web site design is a success, but the content is too limited, and take a long time to find things to, and therefore can not be a successful website.

4、快速下载(Rapidly download)

Nothing more than to take a long time to download page of more 4-1. As an experience, a standard web shall not be more than 60 K, through a 56 K modem loading spend 30 seconds of time. Some designers say web page loading shall be in 15 seconds.

5、网站升级(Web site upgrade)

Aware of the status of the website. Performance is very good host with the increase in the number of people visit, may run slowly. But, if you don't want to lose visitors words, must careful plan your upgrade plan.

6、不要过度使用玻璃反射效果(Don't use too much reflection in the glass effect)

Apple often design out some of the most beautiful effect. But some experts say, this company in all of its products under the photos add reflection in the glass effect, this practice is not worth use, and because of this kind of design elements would have well-worn.......

7、访问速度(Access speed)

就像不同的机子有不同的配置一样,在网站设计过程中,我们所要考虑的不仅仅就是页面设计,还要考虑到你的页面是否能在较快的时间内打开页面,如果一个页面等上个一两分钟,我想除非是您女朋友或漂亮MM网友的相片,要不你早就把它close了。拿一个门户网站设计来看,我们要考虑的是访问者的分辨率是1024*768还是640*480,是用PC机还是用Mac机,是用手机来看还是用PDA来看,是用中国电信来访问还是用中国网通来访问,是用ADSL来是用拨号上网,是仅仅面向国内用户还是要面向全球,是用IE6。0来访问还是用fox来访问等等这些因素.解决这些总是最好的办法是尝试采用P+CSS 来设计你的网站。
As different machines have different configuration, in the web design process, we have to consider not only is page design, to consider your page is faster time open the page, if a page on a couple minutes, I think unless your girlfriend or is beautiful MM photos of net friend, or you would have put it close. Take a gateway website design perspective, we have to think about the visitor's resolution is 1024 * 768 or 640 * 480, is a PC or a Mac machine, it is to use mobile phones to see or by PDA perspective, is to use China telecom to visit or by China netcom come to visit, it is to use ADSL to is to use dial-up Internet, is only for domestic users or to the global, with IE6. 0 to visit or by fox to visit and so on these factors. Solve these are always the best way is to try the P + CSS to design your web site.

8、使用已被证实有效的技术(Use has proved effective technology)

Wikipedia, YouTube, Facebook, and similar sites have become part of the lives of Internet users. Will these elements into web site can keep and user's contacts, which provide their familiar function.

Web portal, is some kind of Internet information resources to comprehensive and provide relevant information service of the application system. Web portal first search services, provide directory service, afterwards because intense market competition, web portal, had to quickly develop all kinds of new business types, hope through numerous business categories to attract and retain the Internet users, so much so that at present gateway website business all-embracing, become of the online world "department store" or "network supermarket".













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